Joey Lionel Zgraggen
Basel, Switzerland
Programming Languages
Operating Systems
Frameworks & Libraries
2022-10-01 - now | Fullstack Software Engineer | ti8m
2021-10-01 - 2022-09-31 | Fullstack Software Engineer | ELCA
Ebanking Application (Backend)
A complex e-banking application for a Swiss Bank that offers the typical funcitonalities from modern e-banking applications. The application is built with a microservice architecture and is deployed on virtual machines. The application is used by thousands of customers.
Tasks: Backend (Java) Features, bug fixing, deployments on several environments (DEV, INT, PROD).
Application Management
While I managed multiple complex banking applications that were delivered to customers, it's worth noting that some products remained unfinished. Even if they were completed, there were still numerous tasks and change requests to address. The main challenge was to dig into code bases of different projects that are all built with a microservice architecture. Most of the applications are from the bank industry.
Tasks: Implementation of features (FE & BE), bug fixing, deployments on several environments (DEV, INT, PROD).
Portfolio Website (Private)
A portfolio website that shows a brief summary of my skills and projects I worked on. The website is constantly being updated.
Tasks: Main developer
Casino App
The main responsibility involves assuming responsibility for an application, which includes implementing requested changes, supporting customers, and training other software developers. The application consists of two parts, with the main platform collecting data from smaller bridges at regular intervals. I spearheaded the integration of key features, notably the blink (six multibanking) feature, enabling seamless e-banking solutions for cross-bank account management.
Tasks: Implementation of features (FE & BE), bug fixing.
Administrative task management application
Contributing to a major planned release. Enhancing existing workflow applications for operational control processes.
Tasks: Implementation of features (FE & BE), bug fixing
Customs and quota management application
Larger e-commerce companies and the government can sell/exchange goods through bartering, auctions, and bidding.
Tasks: Implementation of features (FE & BE), bug fixing, writing Unit Tests
NFT Dapp with Solidity (Private)
Building an NFT Dapp with some example NFTs and a reveal function, etc., in the context of a Udemy course.
Tasks: Main developer
Alpha Blog Website (Private)
Creating a blog website with user login functionality and different roles. Users can invite other users to create and share blogs.
Tasks: Main developer
Lottery Dapp (Private)
Building a lottery Dapp with a pool of participants that can play with Ethereum.
Tasks: Main developer
Switzerland disaster alert application
The application is used for federal security to quickly disseminate notifications of natural disasters or the like to the appropriate specialized agencies.
Tasks: Implementation of features (FE & BE), bug fixing, code analysis
Switzerland alert application
The application is used for the federal government to trigger special events in specific cantons, which can then be managed.
Tasks: Creating a PoC, creating an interactive map with Leaflet that can be selected and colored by the user.
Fullstack E-Commerce App (Private)
An E-Commerce app with example shop items and user registration. Users can add items to their cart. Also, an example checkout was implemented with Stripe.
Tasks: Main developer
KK Facility website (Private)
Created a website with Angular and plain CSS for a friend to improve my skills.
Tasks: Main developer
Angular Projects (Private)
Several Angular projects with different requirements to learn the framework.
Tasks: Main developer
Bachelor Thesis (University)
Implementation of an interactive visualization of 2D vector fields. Creation and presentation of a web application that reads in datasets and displays them accordingly. The data comes from radar stations distributed in Europe and contains bird density, flight direction, and speed of migratory birds. The idea was that a user can simulate the flight direction on an interactive map to better study the flight behavior of migratory birds. Ordinary as well as stochastic differential equations had to be solved to derive the corresponding paths. As described in the title, the data is time-dependent.
Tasks: Main developer
Data analysis project (University)
Analysis and integration of compatible, public datasets to enable conclusions to be drawn. The datasets included data on cars in the U.S., accidents in the U.S., and traffic volume in the U.S. The analysis aimed to find out which cars are involved in accidents a lot and what kind of characteristics play a role in the first place (color, size, weight, brand, etc.).
Tasks: Main developer, data analysis / normalization
Definitely Not Pong Game (University)
Development of an online-capable 2D real-time game with chat functionality in a team of 4. In the game, there are 4 players in a square arena, and they have to try to shoot the ball into the goals of the other players. Each player has their own goal on one side each, either top, bottom, left, or right, and can only move along their goal. The game ball is shot randomly from the center in one direction, and the players can then try to shoot into the other players' goals. They can try to make the ball drift in a certain direction by moving it.
Tasks: Implement some of the game logic & chat functionality, write Unit Tests.
University Of Basel | Bachelor of Science in Computer Science | Basel, Switzerland
High School Kirschgarten | Bachelor of Science in Computer Science | Basel, Switzerland
Training and Certifications
React: The Complete Guide | 2022
Ethereum and Solidty: Complete Developers Guide | 2021
CSS: The Complete Guide | 2021
Fullstack E-Commerce Application (Angular & Spring) | 2021
Angular: The Complete Guide | 2021
Spring & Hibernate | 2021

Ebanking Application (Backend)


A complex e-banking application for a Swiss Bank that offers the typical funcitonalities from modern e-banking applications. The application is built with a microservice architecture and is deployed on virtual machines. The application is used by thousands of customers.

Tasks: Backend (Java) Features, bug fixing, deployments on several environments (DEV, INT, PROD).

Java, Kotlin, Spring Boot, Docker, Devops, Camunda, Kafka, Gitlab Pipelines, Openshift, Microservices, Bash, Elastic Search

Application Management


While I managed multiple complex banking applications that were delivered to customers, it's worth noting that some products remained unfinished. Even if they were completed, there were still numerous tasks and change requests to address. The main challenge was to dig into code bases of different projects that are all built with a microservice architecture. Most of the applications are from the bank industry.

Tasks: Implementation of features (FE & BE), bug fixing, deployments on several environments (DEV, INT, PROD).

Java, Spring Boot, React, Angular, PostgreSQL, Docker, Devops, Camunda, Kafka, Gitlab Pipelines, Openshift, Microservices, Bash, C#, .NET, Azure, Elastic Search, Ansible, DBeaver

Portfolio Website (Private)


A portfolio website that shows a brief summary of my skills and projects I worked on. The website is constantly being updated.

Tasks: Main developer

ReactJS, NextJS, Framer-motion, ChakraUI, Neovim

Casino App


The main responsibility involves assuming responsibility for an application, which includes implementing requested changes, supporting customers, and training other software developers. The application consists of two parts, with the main platform collecting data from smaller bridges at regular intervals. I spearheaded the integration of key features, notably the blink (six multibanking) feature, enabling seamless e-banking solutions for cross-bank account management.

Tasks: Implementation of features (FE & BE), bug fixing.

Angular, NgRx, Spring Boot, DBeaver, H2, Oracle, HTML, CSS, TypeScript, JavaScript, Java, SQL

Administrative task management application


Contributing to a major planned release. Enhancing existing workflow applications for operational control processes.

Tasks: Implementation of features (FE & BE), bug fixing

Angular, Spring Boot, Oracle, Docker, Java, TypeScript, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, SQL

Customs and quota management application


Larger e-commerce companies and the government can sell/exchange goods through bartering, auctions, and bidding.

Tasks: Implementation of features (FE & BE), bug fixing, writing Unit Tests

Angular, Spring Boot, ORDS, Oracle, SQL-Server, DBeaver, JUnit, JBoss, Keycloak, HTML, CSS, Java, TypeScript, JavaScript, Mockito

NFT Dapp with Solidity (Private)


Building an NFT Dapp with some example NFTs and a reveal function, etc., in the context of a Udemy course.

Tasks: Main developer

Solidity, NextJS, React, Remix, JavaScript, TypeScript, IPFS

Alpha Blog Website (Private)


Creating a blog website with user login functionality and different roles. Users can invite other users to create and share blogs.

Tasks: Main developer

Ruby, Ruby on Rails, Bootstrap, Sqlite3

Lottery Dapp (Private)


Building a lottery Dapp with a pool of participants that can play with Ethereum.

Tasks: Main developer

Solidity, NextJS, React, Remix, TypeScript, Semantic UI

Switzerland disaster alert application


The application is used for federal security to quickly disseminate notifications of natural disasters or the like to the appropriate specialized agencies.

Tasks: Implementation of features (FE & BE), bug fixing, code analysis

Ruby, Ruby on Rails, Docker, Shell, JRuby, GeoTools, Oracle, DBeaver, Java, SQL, Groovy

Switzerland alert application


The application is used for the federal government to trigger special events in specific cantons, which can then be managed.

Tasks: Creating a PoC, creating an interactive map with Leaflet that can be selected and colored by the user.

Angular, Oblique UI, Leaflet, Spring Boot, Oracle, DBeaver, Java, TypeScript, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, SQL

Fullstack E-Commerce App (Private)


An E-Commerce app with example shop items and user registration. Users can add items to their cart. Also, an example checkout was implemented with Stripe.

Tasks: Main developer

Java, TypeScript, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, MySQL, Spring Boot, Angular, Okta, Bootstrap, Stripe

KK Facility website (Private)


Created a website with Angular and plain CSS for a friend to improve my skills.

Tasks: Main developer

CSS, HTML, SASS, Angular

Angular Projects (Private)


Several Angular projects with different requirements to learn the framework.

Tasks: Main developer

Angular, TypeScript, NgRx, RxJs

Bachelor Thesis (University)


Implementation of an interactive visualization of 2D vector fields. Creation and presentation of a web application that reads in datasets and displays them accordingly. The data comes from radar stations distributed in Europe and contains bird density, flight direction, and speed of migratory birds. The idea was that a user can simulate the flight direction on an interactive map to better study the flight behavior of migratory birds. Ordinary as well as stochastic differential equations had to be solved to derive the corresponding paths. As described in the title, the data is time-dependent.

Tasks: Main developer

Python, Numpy, Pandas, SciPy, Matplotlib, Flask, HTML, CSS, Leaflet, Ajax, JavaScript

Data analysis project (University)


Analysis and integration of compatible, public datasets to enable conclusions to be drawn. The datasets included data on cars in the U.S., accidents in the U.S., and traffic volume in the U.S. The analysis aimed to find out which cars are involved in accidents a lot and what kind of characteristics play a role in the first place (color, size, weight, brand, etc.).

Tasks: Main developer, data analysis / normalization

Python, Numpy, Pandas, SciPy, Matplotlib, Flask, Psycopg2

Definitely Not Pong Game (University)


Development of an online-capable 2D real-time game with chat functionality in a team of 4. In the game, there are 4 players in a square arena, and they have to try to shoot the ball into the goals of the other players. Each player has their own goal on one side each, either top, bottom, left, or right, and can only move along their goal. The game ball is shot randomly from the center in one direction, and the players can then try to shoot into the other players' goals. They can try to make the ball drift in a certain direction by moving it.

Tasks: Implement some of the game logic & chat functionality, write Unit Tests.

Java, JavaFX, SQL, Gantt, JUnit, HTML, CSS

    2024 Joey Lionel Zgraggen. All Rights Reserved

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